Master of Education or MEd is a two year program of Tribhuvan University (TU) conducted by Faculty of Education. This program is based on semester system and has altogether four semesters in total. In other colleges except Central Campus, this project is managed in a yearly system carrying out exam at the end of each academic year. In order to make guideing and learning practice easier the course content is divided into core courses, specialization, elective, teaching practice and thesis. Students have to study 66 credit hours in total where 18 semester hours are allocated for first to third semester and remaining 12 credit hours are allocated for fourth semester. MEd program is designed to provide thel earners with the understanding and expertise mandatory for developing them as professionally capable teachers and trainers. This program also aims to produce teachers having talent as well as capacity to bring positive change in the field.
Objectives of MEd - Master of Education
The key objectives of MEd program are as follows:
- To aid scholar in understanding, realizing and bringing into use the skills and knowledge in recognizing, analyzing and solving the fundamental problems.
- To aid tutee in enriching and extending their academic and professional competence and broaden their knowledge base in the subject of their specialization.
- To enhance and increase graduates capacity to diagnose the problems of their tutee and apply prescriptive measures, tactics and strategies to solve those problems as a result becomes more encouraged and motivated in learning activities.
- To motivate mentee in being the agent of social change through practices, involvement in the field of research, pursue lifelong learning and helps in professional development in the field of education.
MEd - Master of Education Syllabus
M.Ed. First Semester
Core Areas
Ed. 511 - Foundation of Education 3 Credit Hours
Ed. 513 - Advanced Educational Psychology 3 Credit Hours
- English Education
a) Eng. Ed. - 515 - Phonetics and Phonology 3 Credit Hours
b) Eng. Ed. - 516 - English Usage and Use 3 Credit Hours
c) Eng. Ed. - 517 - Interdisciplinary Reading 3 Credit Hours
d) Eng. Ed. - 518 - Second Language Acquisition (Th. & Research) 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 515 - Planning Education for Change 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 516 - Theories of Education Management & Leadership 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 517 - Educational Administration & Supervision 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 518 - Organizational Behavior in Education 3 Credit Hours
- Health Education
H.Ed. 515 - Advanced Health Education 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 516 - Fundamental of Epidemiology 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 517 - Human Sexuality and Reproductive Health Edu. 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 518 - Health Promotion 3 Credit Hours
- Mathematics Education
Math. Ed. 515 - Foundation of Mathematics Education 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 516 - Abstract Algebra 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 517 - Mathematics Statistics 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 518 - History of Mathematics 3 Credit Hours
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M.Ed. Second Semester
Core Areas
Ed. 521 - Curriculum Practices 3 Credit Hours
Ed. 522 - Education & Development 3 Credit Hours
- English Education
Eng. Ed. 525 - Linguistics in Application 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 527 - Critical Discourse Analysis 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 528 - Readings in English Part - I 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 529 - English Society and Power 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 525 - Recent Trends in Edu. Plan. & Mgmt. 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 527 - Educational Management Inf. System 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 528 - Educational Resource Management 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 529 - Theory and Practices of Non formal Education 3 Credit Hours
- Health Education
H.Ed. 526 - Nutrition Education 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 527 - Community Health 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 528 - Community Organizing for Health Education 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 529 - Health Promoting Schools 3 Credit Hours
- Mathematics Education
Math. Ed. 525 - Trends in Mathematics Education 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 526 - Linear Algebra 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 527 - Projective Geometry 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 528 - Complex and Numerical Analysis 3 Credit Hours
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M.Ed. Third Semester
Core Areas
Ed. 532 - Research Methodology in Education 3 Credit Hours
Ed. 533 - Measurement and Evaluation in Education 3 Credit Hours
- Eng. Education
Eng. Ed. 535 - English Language Teaching Pedagogy & Materials 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 536 - Reading in Literacy Genres 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 539 - Dimensions of Teacher Development 3 Credit Hours
Eng. Ed. 538 - ELT Research Testing 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 536 - Financing of Education 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 537 - Managing Diversities in Education 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 538 - Schools Management 3 Credit Hours
Ed. PM 539 - Social Justice Education 3 Credit Hours
- Health Education
H.Ed. 535 - Instructional Technology in Health Education 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 537 - Seminar in issues of Health & Health Education 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 538 - Applied Health Education Research 3 Credit Hours
H.Ed. 539 - Health Educational Planning & Management 3 Credit Hours
- Mathematics Education
Math. Ed. 535 - Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 537 - Differential Geometry 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 538 - Measure Theory and Topology 3 Credit Hours
Math. Ed. 539 - Studies in Mathematics Education 3 Credit Hours
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Admission Requirements in MEd - Master of Education
Eligibility for Admission:
- Candidate with Bachelor's Degree in Education from colleges/ university recognized by Tribhuvan University are eligible for the admission to this scheme.
- In order to get admission in different subjects they need specific qualification of that particular subject.
Entrance exam for Admission:
- Candidate must have to pass entrance test for getting admission.
- Entrance exam is taken by Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University.
- The merit list is then published after the entrance exam.
Career and Scope
There is widespread belief among people that students pursuing Master of Education degree are limited to teaching activities but it's not like that. Graduate's main priority will be to educate but there is many other profession scholar can choose to perform after their studies. MEd degree holder can work in NGO/ INGO's. They can also pursue career as a writer, editor, administrator, trainers, journalist, analyst, counselor, or work in research institutes researching in various burning issues of the teaching and learning sector. The organizations and corporate houses working in the field of children, youth and human resource can also hire Master of Education graduates. The degree holder can not only vie for various governmental jobs but also shine internationally by making good careers in the developed countries.